Monday, January 11, 2010

Wiliam Kristol: Draft Pence

Left to Right: LTC Robert "Buzz" Patterson, Maj. Chris Dickson,
Congressman Mike Pence at Troop Rally in Indianapolis, IN

BY William Kristol

December 21, 2009 10:26 AM

Here's one way to help the people of Indiana remember: Mount a serious challenge to Indiana Senator Evan Bayh, who's up in 2010. And here's an obvious challenger: Mike Pence.

Sure, it's a long shot (Bayh got 62% of the vote in 2004). But if voters are as upset as they may well be, Pence could make the race competitive. If he won, he'd be a leading possibility for national office as soon as 2012. If he loses, but runs a respectable race-which surely he'll do-he'd have a good shot to succeed Mitch Daniels as governor in 2012.

It's true Pence would be giving up a safe congressional seat and a position in the House leadership. But there are already good young Republicans-Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan, et al.-in the House. An articulate, conservative first-term Senator who had knocked off a "safe" Democrat in a state Obama carried in 2008-that would be something...for Pence, for the GOP, and for conservatives nationwide.


  1. I read with interest the Palladium-Item cover story on March 6, 2006 "Does this woman look DANGEROUS to you?" I had already received my copy of David Horowitz’s book "The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America" from the publisher and scheduled David to be our guest on "The Dickson/Chappell Report" on April 15. This will make his fourth appearance on our radio program.
    I am concerned that the article never addressed Horowitz’s claims that Caroline Higgins does not have the necessary credentials to hold her position at any college, or that Marxist/Leninist theories are visited upon her students without allowing a balanced view. I would welcome these concerns being addressed. Higgin’s only argument appears to be that Horowitz has never visited the Earlham Campus. Ann Coulter and Bill Kristol have, and we saw the reception they got! Besides, I don’t have to go swimming in shark infested waters to know that I might be eaten by sharks.
    The article also mentioned George Wolfe of Ball State. His only qualifications are that he is a music professor with primary expertise in saxophone. How does this qualify him as a professor of peace studies?
    But let’s go back to the headline itself. The article implies that dangerous people look dangerous. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are a lot of people in the world whom society would deem as handsome or beautiful who have committed atrocities such as killing, torturing and raping innocent people. So now you have to look dangerous to be dangerous? What kind of qualification is that?

  2. As you know, we had both Bill Kristol and David Horowitz (struck with a pie at Butler University a couple days later) on our program immediately following the pie throwing incident.

    Why is it Liberals always cry "freedom of speech" until a Conservative speaks.....then they want to shut them up?

    All the poor little boy got was a slap on the wrist!

    It's about time someone was used as an example...we need to send a very clear message that these types of attacks from Marxist/Leninists will not be tolerated in country !!!


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Servant General of the F.L.A. (Franciscan Lay Apostolate); Hermitage Scullion; Former Radio Talk Show Host; 3rd Degree Knights of Columbus, Former Staff Member of United States Senator Dan Coats; Retired Infantry Major: served with U.S. Army Intelligence in Vietnam and Europe; Wife: Karen (married 54 years), 5 children, 11 Grandchildren ... To request your special intentions to be offered up before our Eucharistic Lord in intercessory prayer, please e-mail your Prayer Intentions to the Portiuncula Hermitage at: Mailing Address: Portiuncula Hermitage P.O. Box 34 Jerusalem, Ohio 43747